It’s that time of the year again when we bid farewell to longer daylight hours and welcome the coziness of fall. And as daylight saving time ends, it’s an opportune moment to examine the daily habits that affect overall success.
Wondering how sleep and your money are related? New research found that people performed better on cognition tests when they were allowed to snooze for an additional 30 minutes (New York Times), and those who employ a budget tend to be more optimistic and have better overall mental health (Forbes). Also, you don’t have to be a genius to know that establishing valuable routines – like those of CEOs and top industry thought leaders (Wall Street Journal) – can ultimately lead to better decision-making, too, both financially and in other areas of your life.

Remember, taking care of your health and financial wellness isn’t a one-and-done. It’s in the continual small steps you take every day. And the great news is you’re not going it alone. Speaking of which, if you need that extra push to update an allocation or set new goals for 2024, now’s the time to talk!
Sometimes, when the world seems chaotic, spending as little money as possible can feel like the only thing that makes sense with our finances. But is that the right approach for right now? When it comes to your overall wellness, it’s not just about pinching pennies. True success encompasses achieving a well-balanced and fulfilling life. Saving and investing are to help you pursue long-term goals. It’s equally important to consider your emotional goals along the way.
Life is meant to be LIVED, after all.
If you’re considering a change that may not make financial sense right now. Whether it be a sabbatical or other type of leave, a dream vacation, or undertaking a home renovation. Consider it an aspiration that may be worth it in the grander scheme of things. Remember, not every decision needs to revolve solely around numbers and spreadsheets. Working together, we can better understand your aspirations, habits, and tendencies. So you can identify moments when taking a risk could be beneficial – in more ways than money.
Market Brief
The stock market is coming off its best week of 2023. But it is also coming off its first three-month losing streak since the first three months of 2020.
Earnings reports should be the main driver of stock prices this week, as there are no top-shelf economic reports due. The highlight of the week will be when Fed Chairman Powell speaks to the IMF on Wednesday and Thursday. Mortgage Rates softened to 7.76% for the average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. Rates are still at their highest level in more than 20 years. Last week was the best week in 2023.
Last week, the Fed kept interest rates steady, as expected, and employment data boosted stocks. Dow was up 5.1%, S&P 500 up 5.9% and Nasdaq up 6.6% for the week. Year-to-date, all indices are in the positive.
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